No, I didn't add his name and phone number, another poster did! SidecarFlip has an LLC business and as such it's public knowledge as such so I had divolged nothing at all as being public knowledge and the many web pages for it anyone can read.
Those who I want to know who I am, my addresses, my phone numbers, my social media info etc, I will share such. Otherwise, it's none of your business nor will I tell you!
FWIW, I took on the task of finding and notifying 424 high school classmates for our 50th reunion and that was nearly 10 years ago. Well, I found all but 7 of them whether still alive or deceased and where buried and all their relation and survivors etc. 10 years after death, your SS number is released for public knowledge for instance and lots of other info also. My wife has done extensive genealogy for over 30 years now and has/found the info for way over 2,000 of her direct family members/close relation both here and back in Europe with some even back as far as the late 1600's. I learned a lot from her and how to make it easy to do, hehe! Where on the planet Earth my HS Classmates were living presently and info and/or had lived and so much more. Not bad, only 7 out of 424 classmates not found 50 years later and a few who didn't want to be found but it sure wasn't hard to do. Even much easier today! All you need is a few or maybe only one of their known or hinted to factors and some other ways I will not disclose. You can run but you can't hide!
Maybe a name or spouses name or a parents name and their child's name/names. What they have done in life or college they had attended. What they drive or what RV they have. The region they live in. Various pro and/or local societies etc. Had ever gotten a power company bill etc. A past phone number account. Various Email registrations and ISP's. A voter registration. A hint or 2 from a friend in the past. Criminal info if had such. Search of google or facebook or any other media which has big helpful hints for user names used, posts, locations, age filtered, and so many other ways. One tidbit of info leads to another and another etc. Lots of software programs to use to apply your hints and/or info gained thru the sought person's social posts and little tidbits of info including using their account handle name. So many web sites give their info, address, phone number, spouses and children, siblings. all past addresses, and so much more.
Relax! I am NOT going to do any research on you nor do I want to but I sure could! I personally treat any and all personal info ethically and do not repeat any non-public info learned unless told OK to by the person themselves.
K Mac, Yes, SidecarFlip refers to motorcycle mounted side cars and the "Flip" is to something else and it's likely he told you.
Again, I sure hope he's OK and well and is what this thread is actually about!