Forum Discussion

vintholidays's avatar
Aug 29, 2015

modifying a jack knife sofa

We recently purchased a 2014 kz spree...the jack knife sofa is only 54" wide which is too short for an adult to sleep on. I'm thinking of making an extension that would come off the depth so that two people could sleep on it like a hide a bed style. Has anyone ever done something like that? The sofa is very comfortable it just needs to sleep on adult! Thanks for your help or suggestions
  • Unfortunately even if the arms were off the sofa it would still be too short for an adult. It's 54" wide, so its only a love seat. I'm going to try making the extension I think it will work
  • out of curiosity has the OP mentioned if the arms are removable to make it a little longer?
  • Yeah, jack knife sofas are pretty much useless for me. At 6'4" 230# I'm lucky to get one cheek on the thing :) I like the idea of a modification for sleeping. I haven't got that motivated yet but have altered mine a bit to make it more useful. I just put it down somewhat permanently with some thick pillows around all three sides and put a foam pad on top so it's somewhat level. It's kind of like a day-bed I suppose. At least I can sit on the thing and the pillows allow me to lay back and watch TV. Also, the small overhanging portion makes a great storage spot for shoes or other things. My main annoyance with RVs is that I'd rather have comfortable furniture for 2-3 people rather than uncomfortable furniture for 6-8.
  • To offer more support and more comfort while using an extension ,
    I would use an inflatable mattress on top off the jack-knife sofa in conjunction with the folding platform seen in the below post .
    That way the added support can be free standing and possibly NOT need to be attached.
    You can make the support platform ( thin plywood ) with a hinge so it can all fold up for storage in conjunction with the folding legs.

    bench legs

    idea was found here
  • you might make an Ottoman looking piece of furniture that could be butted up against the jack knife to extend it, and slide it away during the day. if no room for that, perhaps an extension made of three pieces of hinged plywood that could fold flat for storage?