as a life long tent camper / backpacker / mt climber I never wanted a camper. One we hit our mid 50s the wife's knees were giving out so backpacking was out. We really bought the TC for making her horse show competitions more comfortable. Staying on the show grounds and having a comfortable place with AC vs sitting in a sweltering tack room fighting off the horse flies. We opted for the Lance 1055, large but not too large, non slide to fit my KISS mentality. Going on 4 years of traveling with it and I really don't want anything else.
Winter time I see mostly TC's out there, not many folks want to be out in the weather towing or driving the big class A's in ice and snow.
I also don't see to many of the big A's or 5ers out at the end of a dirt FS road at some remote fishing spot.