gmw photos wrote:
I have two questions. First, out of curiosity, given all your research into this subject, what tires are you using on your trailers ? I'm always curious to hear other's experiences when they are based on a lot of research and experience. I have 6000# GAWR vehicle certified axles. I use ST235/80R16 LRE tires inflated to 80 PSI which provides 520# in load capacity reserves per tire. I replace them every three years.
Second question, and a posted photo here. This is a page of the dexter manual, and also a page out of one of my trailer manuals. I merged the two into one picture here. Dexter is an OEM provider.
My question is this: do you think it's fair to say the folks at Dexter, and also the folks at the trailer company ( Titan, in this case ) have also read all the related documentation that you have provided ? They really don't need to, they don't have anything to do with vehicle certification.
And if they have, is it fair to conclude that after they read it, they agreed ( likely in a committee ) it "would be ok to mention the use of LT or ST tires" in the printed manuals ? Dexter is not a tire provider. They have nothing to do with tire selections.
In other words, what I am saying here is that I, as a consumer, am NOT making an arbitrary decision out of my own limited "garage-mahal thinking".
I am, in fact, as a consumer, reading a manual, written by the folks that built the axles, and another manual written by the folks that built the trailer. And THAT point goes back to my much earlier post to this thread, "it's in the manual". The vehicle manufacturer has the sole responsibility for tire selection for all vehicles they build. All highway tires may be fitted to RV trailer axles once they have been approved by the trailer manufacturer. Others may be authorized as options. No others qualify.

See the dialog in blue above.