JIMNLIN wrote:
I have 6000# GAWR vehicle certified axles. I use ST235/80R16 LRE tires inflated to 80 PSI which provides 520# in load capacity reserves per tire. I replace them every three years.
Ouch...thats gotta' hurt. This is the biggest reason I don't use ST tires on my RV trailers. Hell I couldn't afford them.
I've used LT235/85-16 E tires on several trailers with 6k axles and replace them when they reach 50k-55k miles or 7-8 years which ever comes first.
Anywayz the legalistic sounding opinions were hearing from Cal can be read over and over ad nauseam by searching FastEagle on this website (and other rv websites). Don't feed the troll.
It doesn’t hurt so bad when the offshore ST tire companies are providing compensation for ones undying support. How many people has he intimidated (bullied) into making the mistake of continuing putting on ST tires? This has been going on for at least 10 years now.