Cummins12V98 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
People always complain about this topic when their favorite brand is behind the competition. When their brand is ahead of the competition then all this power is great.
I am more than happy with my weak 385hp 865tq. That's saying a lot since I tow more combined weight here than anyone I have heard of @ 35k combined all over the West Coast.
Oh yea my pathetic 6 speed that runs between 165 and 172 on any grade at any temp. Oh yea they also put the same trans in many MD applications.
OH let's not forget I controlled my 33k combined load down several miles of 14% grade in 6th gear by just using cruise control.
I am now rethinking things, I wish I had "MORE" of everything. :R

And you provided the third case... When someone purchases a new truck they will rave about how much better it is over their previous truck.
I know I have so you can put me into that camp.