Forum Discussion

  • Freep wrote:
    Keep in mind that disturbing migratory birds when they are nesting is illegal. You're OK if you get the nest before they are finished building but if you take one down when there are eggs or hatchlings, that's criminal behhavior.

    Interesting and good info, filed under useless since I couldn't tell the difference between a migratory and a nuisance.
  • Keep in mind that disturbing migratory birds when they are nesting is illegal. You're OK if you get the nest before they are finished building but if you take one down when there are eggs or hatchlings, that's criminal behhavior.
  • The CD's will work for about a month and then they get use to them. At least that is what happen to us trying to keep birds out of our chicken coop.
  • We used to get barn swallows and they made a mess on my back patio. I tried an owl then a fake snake and spikes. Spikes worked but didn't look good when we had guests. So I got a glue rat trap and spread a little glue on the landing area. Works great! Not enough to kill the birds but enough to irritate them so they don't want to be there. And you can't see it and it will last a long time.
  • Storage place where I keep my rig has fishnet mesh stapled across bottom side of rafters. No place for birds to sit or nest. Simple solution to bird problem.
  • Interesting that you are trying CDs, do you find a particular genre works best?

    My solution was to add birdhouses. The side benefit is birds eat all of the bugs I don't want. :)