Forum Discussion

melissajean0's avatar
May 14, 2013

need advice: Removal of dinette with furnace under the seat

Ok, so I've still not taken out the bunkbeds yet. I honestly haven't had time. But I have 3 weeks until my next semester of school starts so I have some time on my hands. I still want to take out the bunkbeds, but in addition to that, what I'd like to do more than the bunkbeds is get the dinette out of here. We already removed our couch and put a very comfortable leather loveseat. I'm trying to change this rv around because we've been in it since August of last year and I just feel so crowded. It's a 2005 Gulfstream Cavalier Fema trailer. Anyway, back to what I was saying...I want the dinette out of here and I want to put a smaller desk in here (for my computer, schoolwork, etc.). There's a furnace under the bench seat closest to the door. do I get that sucker out? Obviously, I've researched the internet high and low and can't get any answers. I see where people have done it, but they don't really go into detail to say HOW they did it. Hope everyone's having a great summer so far. We're in Mississippi now and it doesn't seem like Spring/Summer time. Cold, rainy...I'd swear it was more like January! lol. Thanks in advance for any advice :)

  • The copper line most likely connects to a black iron pipe under the trailer. Disconnect and cap it there.
  • Oh no, we're not worried about reselling it. To be honest, I think the mods that I want to make will make it more appealing to people. It is just soooo overcrowded with this layout. Today I managed to unscrew both of the bench seats to the dinette. I didn't take the seats out of here yet though. I am not one to try to mess with electrical items or pipes. Since the furnace is still under one of the seats, I'm waiting until my bf has an off day to pull the benches out so I can put a desk in here. We're not quite sure about where to cap off the propane hose that goes to the furnace. Do you guys know where it should be capped off at? The hose is copper. He's not really had a good look at it yet, but says it will either have to be capped off outside or right here at the floor. But if we cap it off in here, I'm assuming he's going to cut the copper tubing because if he doesn't it'll be in the way and removal of the dinette was pointless. He's not sure the exactly location of where it needs to be capped off outside if he caps it off there. You guys have any idea?

    I tried to do the bunkbeds today. And I'll tell you I was getting soooo irritated. I hate an impact and was trying to get out the screws and the bits I had weren't loosening the screws. I must've tried 10 different size bits. I figured I'd just do one thing at a time since I was getting flustered lol. Otherwise I would've gotten a hammer and just started swinging the hell out of it lol.
  • And I suppose that you are also not worried about selling it sometime in the future? Good luck with your mods.
  • Oh yeah, we don't want the furnace period. We never used it anyway. We've always just used our electrical heaters. Propane is too expensive. lol Oh and I definitely don't want to electrocute myself or have a gas leak. (light bulb) I could always go outside and turn it off first though lol. Duhr...
  • Removing or physically moving it is not the issue. Most weigh less than 50 lbs. Relocating it might be quite a bit of work. If you are going to take it out and not have a furnace, go for it.
  • lol, Uh oh. So, it's not light. That's okay, I'll just have to get my boyfriend to move it when he gets off of work. Okay, well onto another scenario. Is it possible for me to get the benches out without having to remove the furnace until he gets off of work? Are the wires more than likely to be bare? I guess a better question would be, do I need to turn the power off before I remove the bench seat with the furnace under it or should I just wait until I'm ready to remove everything from that side? Also, do you know about how many screws are going to be under those bunkbeds? I've not even really looked at it yet. It's got our supplies on top of it and some plastic storage drawers on the lower shelf. I want to make that area so that I can put shelves in. These things just don't have enough room in them. Thank you for replying to me :))
  • Removing it shouldn’t be hard to figure out… disconnect, remove and cap the gas line, remove and tape the wires… maybe patch a hole in the floor if it has under the floor fixed ductwork…

    Now moving it could get pretty involved…