Forum Discussion

Boatycall's avatar
Oct 01, 2014

Need help finding a TC with a slide out - on a tight budget

A friend of mine came to me looking for advice on used TC's with a slide. He's looking for something around a 9-foot, but on an admittedly tight budget for finding one with a slide, around $5k-ish. Dry bath would be nice, but he understands at that size it may also have to be a wet bath.

Craigslist has next to no search filters--you type in "Camper" and you get everything, class-a's, toyhaulers, etc.

So -- in/around a $5k budget, what older brands can be had? I know that price range puts him outside of Lance and AF, but are there some lesser-known brands from oh, say 10-ish years ago I could do searches on? Just saw a SummerWind 8.5' with slide and wet bath on CL for $4k, but it was sold when we called on it.