Forum Discussion

segen77's avatar
Jul 07, 2014

Need help finding radio

I want to replace the radio in our trailer, but I don't want to spend a lot on an RV specific radio. Any car stereo should work, but I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for. I need a stereo that has an aux in and a headphone out. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Segan77, you picked my interest and sure enough my radio (jensen) has a headphone jack. A quick search on eBay turned up some exactly like mine, which by the way I will change out soon. Just search for jensen rv radio
  • Definitely check Crutchfield. Large selection. Crutchfield usually includes the wiring harness. Units with Bluetooth, Aux in and USB support are very affordable.
    Headphone out could be difficult. It might be possible to scab something together on the speaker wiring out. Some smartphones have built in FM. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish.
  • I looked for one with a headphone jack a couple years ago and could not find one. I'd think it's like Mikebreeze mentions, they are illegal.
  • Try eBay. I am thinking aboit changing my Jenson RV radio to a DVD auto radio.
    They're tech support and phone support is excellent.
  • I think the reason you may not find a car/truck/rv stereo with a headphone jack is that it is illegal to drive with headphones on in a number of states. I got an inexpensive stereo from for my RV that has AM/FM/CD/Weather/Aux, USB and SIM Card input: