panamacamper1 wrote:
I puchased a new Shadow Cruiser 280qbs, it has 205/75/14 load C tires.
I have maybe 1000 miles on them and I always check the tire preasure before trips.
My unit (unloaded) is around 5,200lbs and (loaded) around 6,600lbs. I know you have to run tires at max psi(50) to get full use of 6 ply on tires. It has double axles and each axle is measured at 4,555lbs.
I need to take her in and see if the axles are out of allignment or bent. Is this under warrentee if I am still with-in a year of purchase?
What tires would you recommend?
You don't say anything about what your tires look/perform like- how do you know you need new ones?