Forum Discussion

MCuse's avatar
Aug 22, 2017

Confirming what I already know

I'm a person that takes research very seriously I read and an analyze everything I can before making a decision or a purchase. To that end, i have spent a considerable amount of time looking into small TT's. I've read lots of things on here regarding weights, 80% rule (guideline), etc. All that being the case I read my vehicles towing guide and with the information here and other sources, i formulated a plan and search for a TT my family could be happy in. And i found one.

TT dry weight 60% of manufactures TV capacity
TT GVWR 80% of manufacturers TV capacity
TT is 45 sq ft frontal area, manual says 60 sq ft max, 75% capacity
Typically only me in TV 180 lbs, maybe my daughter 80 lbs, wife carries extra items in other vehicle, so roughly 1,000 lbs from GCWR

All seems good with the above from everything I've read up until the last thing I did. The last thing I did was search for people using my vehicle to tow a TT , found that to be lacking.

All of the above research has been moot as I have now found that my 4 cylinder, according to popular opinions and technical statements, just doesn't have the poop to pull a TT around.

I have enjoyed reading this forum, lots of information on here. We can't go for a pop up because due to a family members medical needs, we must have a bathroom. We're also not in a position and don't want to replace my truck. It's only got 71k, has no note (loan) and is used for about 4,500 miles a year, including camping trips.

I may be looking at something if/when the truck dies, but its in perfect working order and i don't expect it to die anytime soon unless i purposely kill it.

Again, i'd like to thank this forum for the education.