Jan-06-2016 07:01 PM
Jan-11-2016 01:32 PM
Jan-11-2016 12:55 PM
transamz9 wrote:v10superduty wrote:transamz9 wrote:
My website?:h
This is your profile?
Status: Senior Member
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Real name: Gary Rice
Joined: 07/27/2010
RVing since: N/A
No. of posts: 2,089 ( average posts per day: 1.05 ) View Posts | Notify Me of New Posts
Location: Lawrenceburg Ky
Website: http://www.usaoutdoors.org
No , that is a couple fishing buddies that I have that I am a member and admin on.
Jan-11-2016 11:34 AM
v10superduty wrote:transamz9 wrote:
My website?:h
This is your profile?
Status: Senior Member
Currently: Offline
Real name: Gary Rice
Joined: 07/27/2010
RVing since: N/A
No. of posts: 2,089 ( average posts per day: 1.05 ) View Posts | Notify Me of New Posts
Location: Lawrenceburg Ky
Website: http://www.usaoutdoors.org
Jan-11-2016 10:51 AM
transamz9 wrote:
My website?:h
Jan-11-2016 07:22 AM
v10superduty wrote:transamz9 wrote:v10superduty wrote:
Maybe because of the extreme weather and really poor road conditions up there, the use of F-SDs is more pronounced.
The guy that makes the final call on major purchases for us just asked me last week what the difference was between LP and gas was.
From your website looks like you spent time or lived up in northern MN at one time? You may have experienced the weather and roads of which I speak?
Are you familiar with the resorts on Lac La Croix near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area?
Zups and Campbells Cabins? They access through Ely/Crane Lake MN. but are actually in Canada.
Jan-11-2016 05:19 AM
transamz9 wrote:v10superduty wrote:
Maybe because of the extreme weather and really poor road conditions up there, the use of F-SDs is more pronounced.
The guy that makes the final call on major purchases for us just asked me last week what the difference was between LP and gas was.
Jan-11-2016 02:06 AM
mich800 wrote:transamz9 wrote:v10superduty wrote:blofgren wrote:
I bought my truck with long term ENGINE reliability in mind which the Cummins has a pretty impressive record of.
Here, I fixed it for ya.. Added the word (engine) for you
That makes your comment accurate and believable.
Most every fleet owner and educated individuals know that the Ford chassis holds up the best and has the lower operating expense over the long haul.
I don't know where you get your info from but my file cabinet in my office says otherwise.
Is that next to the recall filing cabinet or the waiting on parts cabinet? 🙂
Jan-11-2016 01:57 AM
v10superduty wrote:transamz9 wrote:
I don't know where you get your info from
Well the information is out there that most major fleets use F-Superdutys. In our part of the world you can just stand outside the coffee shop and see it. Maybe because of the extreme weather and really poor road conditions up there, the use of F-SDs is more pronounced.
My specific knowledge of the issues with the HD series Cummins powered trucks comes directly form the gen mngr at dealership I recently retired from. He spent 12 years as service mngr at that brand. He was quite aware of the numerous front suspension/steering/electrical issues that occurred regularly at fairly low mileages.
Jan-10-2016 08:21 PM
FishOnOne wrote:rhagfo wrote:
I guess I better start saving for the major repairs as my TV falls apart around me! :S
This all at only 289,000 miles, running maxed at capacitys.
My cousin's Super Duty CC 7.3 PSD has ~350,000 miles and still has the original seat covers. :W
Jan-10-2016 08:18 PM
Jan-10-2016 07:14 PM
transamz9 wrote:v10superduty wrote:blofgren wrote:
I bought my truck with long term ENGINE reliability in mind which the Cummins has a pretty impressive record of.
Here, I fixed it for ya.. Added the word (engine) for you
That makes your comment accurate and believable.
Most every fleet owner and educated individuals know that the Ford chassis holds up the best and has the lower operating expense over the long haul.
I don't know where you get your info from but my file cabinet in my office says otherwise.
Jan-10-2016 06:01 PM
rhagfo wrote:
I guess I better start saving for the major repairs as my TV falls apart around me! :S
This all at only 289,000 miles, running maxed at capacitys.
Jan-10-2016 06:00 PM
DirtyOil wrote:FishOnOne wrote:Flashman wrote:FishOnOne wrote:boshog wrote:
Interesting discussion in this thread. While it is OK to be a fanboy of a specific brand, I really think some folks get a little carried away defending their brand with out-of-ontext statements and just plain false information.
Let's not forget the screwing Ford laid on the Powerstroke users with years of warranty denials as their design evolved. The Duramax had issues too but GM backed them up. The current Powerstroke (Duramax too) have issues albeit not as major as in the past. Ford and the Powerstroke's designer AVL, have managed to get a longer stroke in a V8 configuration bringing the low end grunt closer to a long stoking Cummins in-line six. Yeah for them, this sets the stage for an all around good performing engine.
Most of us here all pulling weights around the country and have little interest in zero to 60 times, or the few seconds difference pulling a load up the mountain. What we really want is good MPG and reliability, and that is exactly what the Cummins delivers historically, something neither GM or Ford can even come close to claiming and supporting.
Maybe the future will change this but Ford is going to have to earn it and so far they are not. They still offer a less powertrain warranty as does GM compared to the RAM Cummins. Ford still will not rate their Superduties against the SAE towing standard, something GM started doing for model year 2016 and RAM has been doing since 2014 model year.
When I started to read the above post I initially thought it was going to be a legitimate post with some actual facts, but after the first paragraph I was wrong. This post is chalked full of wrong information right down to the reliability of the cummins. If your above post was referring to the 5.9 I would agree, but the 6.7 and it's emissions equipment does not support the legend. And the warranty of the Duramax and the Power Stroke is the same as ram.
I can say I got to spend some time with my cousin this past Christmas who works on these 5.9/6.7's and for some owners they had some very expensive bills last year.
Your cousin
Yep my cousin... He's been wrenching on diesel trucks starting at a Ford dealer in '93 and now works mainly on Ram diesel's.
And Cousin has been enjoying working on the Rams...longer coffee breaks and lunch breaks (not much else going on in the shop anyways) :B
Jan-10-2016 05:20 PM
v10superduty wrote:transamz9 wrote:
I don't know where you get your info from
Well the information is out there that most major fleets use F-Superdutys. In our part of the world you can just stand outside the coffee shop and see it. Maybe because of the extreme weather and really poor road conditions up there, the use of F-SDs is more pronounced.
My specific knowledge of the issues with the HD series Cummins powered trucks comes directly form the gen mngr at dealership I recently retired from. He spent 12 years as service mngr at that brand. He was quite aware of the numerous front suspension/steering/electrical issues that occurred regularly at fairly low mileages.
Jan-10-2016 04:57 PM