As requested this is a couple pictures of the camper loaded on the truck. I have the truck leveled up so I can run the fridge and get ready for the Branson Gathering next week. If you can kind of see the truck sits pretty level. I'll try and remember to get some photos of the truck and camper at the campground next week.

Thanks all for the comments on the truck, so far I really like it. The GPS is far superior to my 2011 Ford. The screen on the Ford was tiny compared to the Dodge. I'm still trying to learn where all the bells and whistles are at on it. I found out today how to bring up the turbo info for boost and temp.
I was hoping that the rear parking sensors worked the same as the Ford where it detected brakes on the trailer but it appears that it does not work like that. I have the Tekonsha tester that DJ found that shut the rear sensor off on the Ford and tried it on the Dodge and it does not work. So need to work on that. Dodge says that it senses brakes but doesn't seem to work on my rig. I have an extension on my rear plug and plugged it into it. I'm going to slide under the truck and check it right where it is off the truck as the pigtail might be bad. I'm going to wait till the temperature rises a little though, to cold today. If anybody knows what it takes to fake out the sensors to make it thing there is a trailer behind on the Dodge please let me know.