Forum Discussion

D1trout's avatar
Oct 08, 2013

New owner of C11

Hello all, I have just driven home from Minnesota to California in a '69 C11 on an '82 Ford F250 Camper Special. We cruised across the Great Plains quite nicely, just missing that first big cold front of the year!
The rig is in reasonably good condition. Dated, of course, but apparently sound. The PO loved silicone caulking! Everything is slathered!
A couple of things concern me as I pulled out the (very 60s) orange plaid shag textured carpet that was on the floor and some walls. I found mold under the carpet in the floor of the wardrobe closet. This got me wondering about mold in general in these rigs. Can it get established and grow in the insulation between the inner and outer shells? How have you who have been down the restoration road before me dealt with mold? I am hoping to repair and refresh as necessary but not engage in an entire restoration as some of you have done with such skill. Dies mold on the rear floor mean mold elsewhere? All advise and suggestions welcomed! This board is a fantastic resource and I expect to become a regular visitor.
  • Please enlighten me. What is a "C11?" never heard of that TC model. Post picture when you get the chance.

    As far as mold goes... that could be a battle more than you think. If it has food, optimal temperature and moisture it can grow until one or more of these ingredients are abated. You can never really know how little or how far it has grown until you look into it further.
  • Agreed! There is a photo of his Avion C11 on his profile, looks very nice!

    Bob in Oakland, Calif.
  • D1Trout wrote:
    Does mold on the rear floor mean mold elsewhere?

    The short answer is yes.

    Mould, soft wood, discoloration, all point to issues of rot. It may not be pervasive, but be prepared.

    Your camper looks quite handsome. And I'm surely impressed you went all the way across country to get it.

    Welcome to the Forum. Take a look at the Avion string where everything, but everything has been hashed over a number of times. It will save you time and focus your energy. Feel free to ask questions. You'll definitely get answers.

  • That is a nice looking setup. I hope the mold isn't a big problem -- but getting rid of the rug sounds like a good first step in any event.
  • Nice looking rig !
    If the PO used lots of silicone you know he was chasing leaks and unfortunately it doesn't work worth a dam on these Avions.
    As 67Avion said visit the ongoing string which is the best resource for the Avion/Cayo TCs anywhere.
  • That is a very nice looking rig. 67avion had the best thread on the entire internet covering the C-11 campers.

    I can't wait to see more pictures of the camper.
    Are you going to do a restoration?