jmcgsd wrote:
Just one last try. Here is a link to the 2008 Lance brochure:
2008 brochure
Go to the compatibility page to see what the Lance engineers say about the 845. You smarter than them? Do you really want to risk lives to prove it?
Thanks for that link, I was trying to go to their website this morning and it wasnt working.
Lets compare apples to apples. The link you sent is to the 2008 brochure, presumably because I have a 2008 truck. And, looking at those campers, you are right, the '08 845 is not recommended for the '08 tundra.
The '08 845 is listed at 2412lbs dry. the heaviest camper they recommend for the tundra is the 825 listed at 1620lbs dry.
BUT... take a look at the '99 brochure ( the dry weight of the '99 845 is listed at 1897lbs. A difference of 277lbs between the currently recommended camper and the one I own. If I run as close to dry weight as possible then I should be fine. In fact the water alone would account for 275lbs (33 gallons @ 8.35lbs).
Per your suggestion, I contacted Lance directly, they suggest that in their models available today, I can buy either the 825 or the 865. Looking at their website the dry weights on those campers are 1837 and 2011 respectively. They also suggested I contact my local dealer to go over what my truck would need to handle the weight of those campers, made for my truck and suggested by Lance.