Apologize for necro-posting, but I just wanted to share that I am an owner of an 2018 Aliner Ascape. I just would like to respond with my opinion and experience with it so far.
gheicher wrote:
Appears to be targeting small SUV tow vehicles with no more than two people that want to travel.
Absolutely. There is a niche market for small trailers, and people that don't want to haul a big trailer just for themselves or a partner. Half the time I've gone with just my dog, and the other half with my 15 year old son (and the dog). It does the job, and I don't have to buy a larger vehicle to tow (I have a Jeep Patriot with 2.4L engine).
Bucky Badger wrote:
They probably want over 10 grand for that thing too
Yes, it is. Mine was $16k. But if you price these types of trailers, that is what they go for. So there's no surprise with that.
keymastr wrote:
With that tall flat back it will take almost as much power to pull it as a bigger ultralight.
It's actually not that bad towing. With everything in it, I'm around 2000 lbs, which is the limit for my car. But it has no major issues towing. Yes, I can feel it back there, and it does get sluggish on hills, but I'm in no hurry. And so far, I've always arrive at the campground with plenty of time to camp.
GrandpaKip wrote:
Reminds me of the old Gremlin commercial where the guy says, "Hey, toots, where's the rest of your car?"
I get comments like that a lot - Where's the rest of your trailer?" (or similar). My response - "The wife got it in the divorce."
My final verdict - It's perfect for what I need - Small, compact, can tow with the car I have, and has everything I need (and more).