Grit dog wrote:
I'll suggest that even OE wheels with OE or upgraded tires will run safely, as evidenced by the thousands of trucks doing it daily, year in and year out.
I've really thought about that over the years. I used to have an AF 811 and was usually ~7200 on the rear axle towing the boat and had the Rickson 19.5s on the truck. Drove and handled great. Sold the camper and then the tires, but I don't know if I'll run those tires again when I get another camper. I used to see guys with SRW trucks on OEM tires with campers bigger and heavier than mine hauling enclosed trailers all over the place and never seen anybody with a problem. I've always wondered how much safety buffer really is in the tire ratings, since all the manufacturers for the same size generally rate them at the same weight and you know they're constructed differently.