While some of this is (no surprise) getting off topic for the OP's question...
OP, in past years, right time, right deal, right vehicle, you could get maybe up to 20-25% off MSRP.
Standard good deals 15% ish off MSRP.
Gotta have it and/or don't know how to negotiate, 0-10% off MSRP.
Right now is not that time, but since you're asking about a year from now, ask a year from now. Seriously. The market has been super inflated for about a year. I've sold a couple vehicles for stupid money in the last year-ish. Granted they were very sought after vehicles and in better shape than most comparable rigs.
Have no desire to buy one in this market. In fact, planning on liquidating one truck, the camper and possibly boat, based on the inflated prices.