Travelinsarah wrote:
Maybe some of you are not aware that a Kia Sorrento is one of the top SUV towing vehiciles that is why we bought it. Dry weight is 3500 GWVR is 5489. I think that is plenty to buy either one of these campers.
That's nice, but completely irrelevant. What does the door sticker say the payload rating is? Subtract from that number the weights of the driver and all of your passengers, and all the stuff you take camping that won't be carried in the trailer. THAT is the important number. That tells you what your maximum tongue weight can be, which can then be used to figure how heavy a trailer you can tow.
You are relying on marketing information from the manufacturer. As the marketing manager once said to Dilbert while he was spending a week in orientation in the marketing department, "what you see here will look like outright criminal fraud, but it's not, it's only marketing."
You say "I think that is plenty to buy either one of these campers." Wouldn't you rather KNOW that is plenty to buy either one of those trailers? There is no substitute for running the numbers on the particular tow vehicle/trailer.
We are not trying to attack you. We are trying to keep you from making an expensive (and possibly dangerous) mistake.