Oct-21-2020 09:46 PM
Oct-22-2020 03:56 PM
Oct-22-2020 01:34 PM
TxGearhead wrote:
Hallmark Cuchara 9.5 ft is 1893# dry weight. There's almost nothing over the truck cab but the frame, some canvas, and the mattress.
I'm seriously missing something in this conversation.
Oct-22-2020 12:25 PM
Oct-22-2020 12:12 PM
Oct-22-2020 11:45 AM
Bedlam wrote:
From what I have researched, Ford Has highest rated front springs available but also the most variations in spring rates. I am not convinced you need additional spring capacity on the front since most campers add little weight to the front of the truck and most unload the front axle a little.
I feel you get the most out the front end by changing to an adjustable damped shock and adding a larger stabilizer bar. What you can do for free or very little cost is weigh your truck axles at a truck stop and adjust your tire pressure based on the load inflation tables for your size tire.
Although there is plenty of good advice, it does come down how your setup feels for you and none our advice should be taken as absolutes. It took me about five adjustments to make my previous truck comfortable and safe while my current truck only needed one.
Oct-22-2020 11:09 AM
Oct-22-2020 10:42 AM
Oct-22-2020 10:41 AM
Oct-22-2020 10:33 AM
Oct-22-2020 10:24 AM
Oct-22-2020 08:20 AM
Oct-22-2020 08:00 AM
Oct-22-2020 07:17 AM
TxGearhead wrote:
How much does the Hallmark weigh?
I'm thinking you shouldn't need to do anything to a stock F350.
Dis-engage the Stableloads and see how it rides. You may be bouncing off and on the springs. Get the springs loaded and let them do their job.
Oct-22-2020 07:14 AM
billtex wrote:
Hmmm.I usually relate jittery to unladen ride on rough pavement. As mentioned, there are certain road surfaces that just suck.
Not sure why you are opposed to lower SL’s. I am running upper and lower SL’s on the new truck and am VERY pleased. Nice firm ride when loaded and 100% stock ride unladen. Couldn’t be happier.
Have you been to the scales? Maybe you need to get some weight forward?
Where’s your water tank? Try a full tank. Sometimes that helps. A front hitch with some junk on it can help also.
Safe travels, bill
Oct-22-2020 07:13 AM
ticki2 wrote:
Check your door sticker . It may be that your truck is only at its rated GVWR . If so you shouldn't even need the stableloads . Also check the tire pressure for the load they are carrying . Over inflated tires can do that . That being said there are roads that are miserable no matter what you do . The old concrete paved roads come to mind .