My biggest negatives on a 5vers are height and loss of the TV bed space. We do a lot of running around once un-hitched and a covered bed is a big asset for us.
Going across OK and TX in 45 mph cross winds was a real treat with a 25 ft. TT. I suppose the 5ver hitch provides more stability but the added hieght still makes a great sail.
I feel sorry for those folks who do not trust their dealership, or rather believe the dealer is out to cheat them. If you ask a dealer "Can my TT tow this TV", they look at the towing specs. the weight of the TT and if they match okay.
The dealer does not know if you have already used up a large portion your max cargo with various TV gadgets and doodads. Or, you regularly attend anvil collector's convention with a bed full of anvils.
My advise to the newcomer is to rent what you think you want for a week or two and see if you really want to pull one of these barns down the road.
Good luck.