welsteach wrote:
Getting an F-350 already. Cutting costs isn't the issue. I am a small woman, so a small bath is not a big deal. Climbed no into the bed might be. Seeing more may be worth the difficulties. Will try some out and see where we are at.
It's a little confusing that you say cutting costs isn't an issue but that the reason for not using a TT is costs. I've never traveled on the ferry system in Alaska so for those us not familiar maybe you can clarify the cost difference. I'm guessing a 24ft camper vs. a 36ft TT combo would be a difference of $4000 round trip to the lower 48 (in favor of the TC, where the trip would be in the $10-14k range)? Admittedly that's a lot, but it depends on how often you're going to make that trip, because you could be looking at a difference in tens of thousands in the cost of the vehicle/RV too. Maybe you would be using the ferry more within Alaska (there are locations certainly where you don't have a choice if you want to go more than a few miles) so it would be interesting for everyone to understand the scope of the problem. It sort of sounded from the original post like "more of America" meant outside of Alaska.
I'm sure you know this, but if the objective is frequent trips to the lower 48, pretty quickly it can become cheaper to keep an RV in the lower 48 and fly.
In any case I think this post is as much about the AK ferry system and its costs than about nuances of entering or exiting TCs, TTs, or beds.