Do you folks know that you are really talking about wear & tear and
the relationship to specifications/limits/ratings and the biggie maintenance ?
A xxxx lb GVWR TV that never towed 'should' last much longer and/or
be in much better condition vs one towing over it's limits, at it's
limits, under it's limits...
Toss in maintenance both schedule and materials. Sure the talent of
the mechanic plays too
Even if driven extremely hard without towing, today's computer controlled
will NOT allow it to over rev...unless a tuner or some such that removed
or modifies those dialed in safeties
Finally, that a bigger or next higher class TV towing the same trailer
as a lower class TV will last longer...given the same maintenance schedule
and materials...
Back to the regular program...the recent recall of issues with the
braking system because the 'highly integrated' computerized system
may have the brakes in-operable because of a non-brake issue.
The traction control system uses ABS to brake one or more corners
during adverse conditions...whacked out and stopped the function of
the whole braking system (ABS at the center of that)
Nope, more fuel on my fire for keeping mine forever....