And all frames will leak any water getting into the cargo compartments into the camper interior at their inner lower edges...
Interesting. I sealed all 8 cargo containment "seams" and battery/propane cylinder anchors with unbroken maximum bead size ProFlex. I did not seal the top 4 edges/seams, because I estimate that water can't climb that high up the containment boxes. Now, when water gets into the containment boxes, what doesn't get soaked up by the towels just accumulates (harmlessly) as a swimming pool (to be dried up later, at my convenience)...I had to remove the propane tank and battery of course, to accomplish this. I mounted a mirror inside the containment boxes to see the hidden back of the hatch frames seams, and used contortions to flip the caulking gun 180 degrees to caulk those hidden seams (not easy; but with advance preparation, relatively easier than working blind)...