Didn't have much luck viewing your photos on your link...
They have to start with HTTP and end with .jpg and be inside the IMG and /IMG brackets

DAVIDP's view
I always thought it would be a good idea to mount the outside HDTV on a swing-our mount from the storage bay area.
Then when the weather got bad or you wanted to leave the area for a few minutes you could just swing it back inside the storage bay.
Something like this photo...

Google Image
We have watched our HDTV sitting on an outside table a few times but then when you look around there is always three or four folks standing in the roadway watching it with you haha... Then there are those that will yell at you to turn it down - too loud... We don't camp much in the public campgounds... I can watch all of the HDTV i want outside sitting on a creek-side camp site... Fish and Squirrels don't mind at all...
Roy Ken