afidel wrote:
RR ties have a functional life of ~40 years after the RR is done with them, even being a relatively young RVer that's probably plenty =)
As far as using a bobcat, that's fine if you have $600 for a 2 day rental.
Maybe in some places, but I delivered ties for walls as late as 2010, that have serious issues.
As for somebody that has never spent time on 1 renting a Bobcat for a small job like that, it often does not save money. Average small machine (Not talking about the little stand up) has a bucket that is 5 ft wide. Do you know how to pick up a 8+ foot long tie and carry it? Maybe renter can fill between the walls, but does he know how to do it so he doesn't have ruts under wheels next fall?
If a load takes more than 2 to pick it up, it is pretty dangerous for 3 to handle. When we where loading the truck, or deciding what size machine to use for a bundle, the average tie the RR sold would be about 180