Forum Discussion

riflegunbuilder's avatar
May 21, 2013

Pimples in wall paper

I have NorthTrail 28 brs . On the front wall of camper I have area about a foot in size where the wall paper has pimples on it. What causes this? Is this a cause for concern?
  • There was a very detailed thread on here a few years ago where a guy found the same thing. Water was seeping behind the wallpaper and causing the glue to clump into tiny pimples.

    It was definitely water damage in his case.

    Based on that thread - every year I run my hand along all the wallpapered walls hoping not to find pimples.
  • Take a sharp razor blade and slice one open and look. Make it a tiny cut just big enough to see in the hole.If all is well put some white glue in the hole and push the edges back down.
  • We had this on a wall and when I opened one of the pimples to see what was behind I found sawdust. Looked like the manufacturer did not clean the wall off in that area before putting the wallpaper on. I just left it alone and lived with it. Was not water damage. I would think water damage would show a big spot not little pimples.
  • riflegunbuilder wrote:
    I have NorthTrail 28 brs . On the front wall of camper I have area about a foot in size where the wall paper has pimples on it. What causes this? Is this a cause for concern?

    I also have the NT BRS28. Wallpaper is fine but WARNING - watch your axles. Many are bending, destroying the tires as Heartland didn't use a heavy enough axle on this model. Check the inner side of your tires and take a good look at your axles.
  • We had the same thing in our back slide. There were little pimples in the paper. If you pricked one there was not any water behind but....ours was water damage. We had to have our back slide replaced. My guess is water is coming in from somewhere.
  • Had the same thing happen on a travel trailer we had. Water damage leaking clearance light. Find the water leak and seal it.
  • I have a similar situation with a 2007 Fleetwood PIONEER 21CKS. I put it down to bad workmanship as it feels and looks like someone repeatedly missed the mark with a screw from the other side. Another one of those buyer beware issues with this trl. Not surprised that they are no longer in business.
  • A picture would really help...
    But, I'll take a guess.
    Worse case: a leak- meaning that the wall behind the paper is compromised...bad news.

    Better case: the wall paper has been damaged by repeated condensation from the inside thus no 'real damage.'

    Or: the wall paper was not applied properly in the first place. What year is your trailer?

    Again, try to post a picture or two.