Gentlemen, Yes, my maturity is part of the whole issue and I stay awake figuring stuff out and end up tired..yesterday was figuring how to mount the new dish dome first I was thinking on a pole in back, how to attach the pole easy...then it dawned on me how am I going to lower and raise this thing with out making it a chore or too complicated...ended up just put it on the roof, most likely it will end up there. The roof will be better so phooeee!
I came up with some interior mods that should work well and I can post as I do them, plus that will be fun and not take so much time that it won't get done, like Sleepy indicated. TK sorry to hear that was the decision you had to make.
Both of you and others have made me think this thru...I want to use this thing not work on it. We both like the the layout and it fuctions well for us and we like what I have done to make it ours. It will end up being better...I have a few more uses for the TC this month then I turn it over. Got to empty her out, going to remove some things that I want changed and salvage. I am going to take the range out so I can plan the new counter top with just a slide in stove top...will either sell the range or use it as a trade in with dealer.
New drawer and new cabinet door, should be able to order from Lance. I like those cabinet work type projects. (Should I post pics of what I have done in the house?)
I am GLAD this is moving forward...I will be at my 50th HS reunion while the rebuild is going will be fun to see the massive progress when I return.
Got to pack on Friday as I am going for some training on oil spill response next week, then I will be a helmsman in a bridge simulator for the testing of the some ships officers over the next couple of weeks, that should be fun. I use the TC as my quaters at the travel and can make my own meals...I like that. I'll try to get some pics of the simulator set is a fun big encompassing video game that is very serious training and evalution tool.
THX again everyone.