Forum Discussion

hotjag1's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 25, 2022

Possible delamination

A friend purchased a 24' travel trailer 11 months ago. Shortly after the purchase he noticed some air pockets(soft spots) on the rear cap. He took it to a rv repair facility and they pulled off the rear cap, didn't see any damage and reglued the cap back on to the tune of $2000.

Now he is seeing some soft spots at the bottom of the rear cap again and took it back to the original repair facility. The repair shop now says that the air pockets are normal as it is a "floating" wall/cap.

I've never experienced any soft spots or floating wall on any of my rv's. My question this a true statement from the rv shop?
  • jjj, I'll let my friend know about your experience also in case he has an issue that isn't normal for that design.
  • I had a delam spot on my fiver about 2 years after
    I bought it. It was a 12 inch oval on pass side wall
    just after the overhang. They cut it out and patched
    it. Looked good until 3 years ago and it cracked where
    the patch was done.
  • Thank you for the replies. I've never had a bubble effect or waves on my numerous rv's over the years, but I will let my friend know that this is fairly normal on some brands of rv's.
  • ^Agree, many front and rear sections are not laminated, and just use fiber insulation. In some cases, you may see waved areas on the rear section, when looking at the right angle.

  • Not sure this answers the question, but front and rear "caps" are often not laminated walls on many RVs, so it all depends on what he has. Bubbles sometimes appear on laminated sections, and the solution is regluing or replacement.