It is not complicated or hard at all once you do it.
You need to find a picture hosting site such as, or, or (all of these are free) and then upload your pictures to the site. I usually use Imgur.
Then you copy the URL of the particular picture from the hosting site and paste it into your post or into the picture posting box you find in the icon that looks like a yellow postcard.
Make sure you specify the width to be 640 or less.
Click "Post message" at the bottom of the page.
You can find a detailed description of the process in the 4th link from the top in
this thread which is located in our
Forum Help and Support the link for which is located in the dark blue bar at the top right of the page.
The only pictures that can be uploaded directly to our forums are the ones in your signature and profile.
Hope this helps you out a bit.:)