popeyemth wrote:
handye9 wrote:
Here is one that I did. Can't get it to post.
Here is a link

Where did you get the track?
I got the track at a local RV dealer's parts dept. If I remember correct, it came in eight foot sections. Got the snap tape and curtain carriers at same place.
The curtain is a fabric shower curtain. DW sewed the snap tape onto the curtain.
The spacers, between the track and ceiling, are actually the same curtain carriers, used to carry the curtain on the track. They kept the curtain from rubbing on the ceiling.
Track comes in a straight piece. I got it to bend by cutting "V" notches (about 6 inches apart) in the back side.
Use screws that are just long enough to penetrate the 1/4 inch ceiling panel. Be careful of any wires that may be laying on top of the ceiling panel.
If the curtain needs laundering, it just unsnaps.