Forum Discussion

raychris1's avatar
Jun 23, 2022

Problems with door after new steps installed

We just took our new Open Range 26bh on its maiden shake down short trip. We found a few problems which need addressed. The main problem we have is the dealer installed a Lippert fold away steps. When they are out, and we close the door we have to close it with a lot more force than should be needed. We have to push hard on the bottom of the door to close the door all the way. The bigger problem is closing the door at night. I have to use the door handle and the latch to try and get it to close. It doesn't close all the way but at least we can lock it. Anybody have a similar problem with the Lippert steps. We are making a list of problems for the dealer to fix. The door is our main concern right now.
  • pbeverly wrote:
    What do you mean about "fold away". In the Lippert site I see pull out and fold down.

    If the stairs have feet on the ground you need to adjust them to be shorter. The first thing I do when setting up is get my stairs set properly and testing the door. Sometimes there is not a perfect leg adjustment setting for the situation so I carry some different sizes of wood to shim them so they are rock steady before using them. If the legs are too short and not shimmed you can bend the step area where they are attached to the camper where the door goes over it when closing. If you do bend it you can close the door and gently bend it back.

  • pbeverly wrote:
    What do you mean about "fold away". In the Lippert site I see pull out and fold down.

    If it what I suspect, they fold up and go inside the RV on a hinge..

    Found HERE

    There is a bunch of videos on that webpage that you might find helpful.

    There is a metal "threshold" that goes OVER the existing door threshold when you fold the steps out and that may be enough to make the door hard to close..

    If dealer failed to install the steps threshold correctly it could be proud of the original door threshold which would push on the door when closed..

    Watch the video marked "Proper setup of your solid step", skip to 1Min 28 Second part of video, the guy wasted a lot of yack time before that section..

    I seen one of those a week ago and kind of wondered how it worked.. Now I know :)
  • Like MFL said, make sure the camper isn’t tweaked on the stabilizers first.
    Never had a travel trailer until last year. And our toyhauler is on a heavier frame than just the camper alone would require. (For the extra ccc of a toyhauler)
    Bout the second time I set it up, the man door was in a bind, which it was not without the stabilizers engaged. Adjusted the stabilizers. Door worked fine again.

    Not discounting the stair install affecting it, But something to consider.
  • Sounds like either installation or operation problem.

    There is a flange that goes under the door when closed. If not properly adjusted, they door will rub against it.

    Easy check is to retract the leg extensions all the way (don't try standing on it), then close the door. If that fixes it, you just had the legs extended too far and it was binding on the bottom of the door. Adjust the legs so they are supporting the steps but not lifting them and you should be good.

    If that doesn't fix it, the dealer may have installed them incorrectly causing the binding. If so, the dealer should fix it.

    PS: Do you have the friction hinges? We got those with our current camper and I have mixed feelings. Yeah, the wind doesn't catch and slam the door but it takes quite a bit of force to open and close the door. Could you be seeing some effect related to this?
  • What do you mean about "fold away". In the Lippert site I see pull out and fold down.

    If the stairs have feet on the ground you need to adjust them to be shorter. The first thing I do when setting up is get my stairs set properly and testing the door. Sometimes there is not a perfect leg adjustment setting for the situation so I carry some different sizes of wood to shim them so they are rock steady before using them. If the legs are too short and not shimmed you can bend the step area where they are attached to the camper where the door goes over it when closing. If you do bend it you can close the door and gently bend it back.
  • Not sure why you had new fold out steps installed on a new trailer?

    If the trailer came with removeable steps, and the dealer changed the type step, the structure may not be designed for the weight, when extended, causing the door framing to distort.

    Sometimes parking on uneven ground, can twist the frame enough to cause the door issue you describe.

    Need more details, but seems the steps themselves are not the problem.
