Forum Discussion

samhain7's avatar
May 20, 2016

Progressive industries surge protection hookup

Hi all.
I know many have use surge protection without any theft. I on the other hand sometimes have what we call bad luck. So I am looking for a way to secure my PI protection just in case.
My thought is a lock box under the trailer.
My question is this. Does anyone know if it is ok to go from the poll to an extension cord, to the lock box which will be under my trailer, to the trailer cord?

I can then secure the lockbox to the trailer.

Not full proof, but better than nothing.

  • I kept my SP in a basement compartment, ran a short cord from RV input fitting to basement, then a standard 30 amp cord from there to pole. on my TT without a basement I epoxied a padlock hasp to the back of the SP to lock a cable to. those cord lock things are a joke IMHO. just will assure your cord gets stolen also or cut.
  • I use a short piece of chain and a combination lock. Wrap the chain around the power pedestal with the door open, hook the lock to the tab on the EMS and through the links in the chain as tight as I can get it. Then turn it on and close the pedestal door. The chain is tight enough the unit can't be slipped up and over since the pedestal door is in the way. Can the chain be cut? Sure, but it would keep a casual theft at bay. No issues of any kind in over 5 years full time use. I also keep a piece of duct tape over the EMS flashing LED. It keeps from advertising itself at night.
  • samhain7 wrote:
    Does anyone know if it is ok to go from the poll to an extension cord, to the lock box which will be under my trailer, to the trailer cord?

    I can then secure the lockbox to the trailer.

    Sure, and running it next to the camper makes sense but putting it in a lock box that itself is locked to the trailer is way overkill. I run a hard wire EMS-HW30C but if I were using a portacle EMS-PT30C I'd hang this Camco 30A > 30A Adapter off the side of the trailer, plug the EMS into it, and run an extension out to the campsite power post ... hard to imagine anyone would bother sneaking up to the camper just to run off with my EMS. In your case, because your main service cable is hard wired to the trailer, I'd cut that cable back so it's just long enough to reach the underside of the slide, hang the EMS from the underside of the slide to keep it off the ground and protected from the elements, and run an extension from there out to the campsite power post. Easy. :B
  • no different those with the SP installed in the RV.