Jerallen wrote:
Lynnmor wrote:
Forget about the silly refrigerator method
The reason for the "silly refrigerator method" is the importance of having it(the fridge) level for proper operation.
Comfortable vehicle leveling is well within the operating requirements of 3 degrees off level side-to-side and 6
degrees off level front-to-back (looking at the front of the refrigerator). Continued operation outside of these limits
can result in irreparable damage to the cooling system.
A typical 8' wide by 30' overall length trailer could be off level by 5" or 10" side to side, and 19" or 38" front to rear, depending on which way the refrigerator is placed. Again, it is silly to tilt the whole darn thing needlessly. Just do the math.
With levels mounted correctly, one can see how much twist is induced in the trailer each time it is set up. If you have the foam mounted levels, remove the flexible foam and use VHB tape for a reliable mount.