afidel wrote:
CavemanCharlie wrote:
I know this is not helpful, and I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm sorry if it sounds like I am. But, if your son is 6 foot tall he will not want to go camping with you for very many more summers anyway. Purchase what you are comfortable with and tell the kid to be happy with taking him along and then tell him to go get his own TT in a year or two.
I was 6' in 6th grade, lol.
You really went out on a limb here. I, too, was very tall at an early age, as were both my kids. They are 17 and 19 Now, and WANT to go camping EVERY time we go. We are elated. Life is short. I’ll take them as long as they want to go, and once they go out on their own, they can follow with their own rigs, but frankly, the way this world is going, it will be a long, long time before they (and most young kids) can afford a decent tow rig and a camper to use 10-12x a year.
We take friends a couple weekends a season and our kids stay home, so we NEED arrangements for another couple. Almost no trailers accommodate with two queens, so we would be forced to bunks. We tried considering recliners and tri-gold sodas, but they all were too heavy and long for us. The only trailers with long bunks we found were the K-Z Connect series, which we bought, or the Grand Design Imagine series. Other options were L-shaped bunks, but again, long and heavy.