Forum Discussion

lastorms's avatar
Feb 08, 2017

Question about awning lights

After 10 years of camping in my early 80's prowler I upgraded to an almost new '16 prowler 30lx. Lots more room for the family to move around and we are going to try it out at a campground in a week. Here's the question, my awning lights weren't working. Found the problem in the led strip. No problem I can change the strip out but it is in a split rubber tube that is starting to yellow and I would like to change it but can't find it anywhere on line. Does any one know where to find it?
  • The one I saw like that on line seemed like it would be too big to fit in the awning tube or am I wrong about the?
  • You just buy the led strip already in the rubber tube, or better, fully encapsulated in rubber. The tube is not a separate item. Under $30 from Am azon.