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MSchu's avatar
Jun 12, 2016

Question about gas/electric water heater

I recently bought a 1995 Holiday Rambler Aluma-Lite and have been getting it cleaned up and get everything in good working order after it has sat unused for more than 5 years. The outside looks 20 years old, but the interior looks amazing.
The one thing I haven't figured out is the water heater. The owners manual says it is gas only, but I discovered an electric element on the tank under the sink. (I found it after looking for a reason that the trailer was drawing 28 amps with only the air conditioner on.)
What I would like to find out is what switches the electric element on. The PO had the trailer plugged in for the 3+ years he owned it, and had no water in the tanks. I filled the fresh water tank and the water heater and eventually got the gas to light and now that works fine. I turned off the gas switch, but the next day the water was still steaming hot so I was worried that the switch was bad, but now I know the electric element was working. From what I have read, the electric element should have burned out if it had been on with no water, but the breaker was on and the switch on the water heater was always on, and it still works. So is there some other trick to get the electric to go off and on?
(Sorry about the long post)
  • I would turn the breaker off then check that the heater is the only thing on the circuit (if installed correctly it should be). It should still work on gas with the breaker off as that should be 12VDC.
  • Our 5th wheel is 22 years old and has gas/electric water heater.

    I remember seeing a kit you could buy to retrofit a water heater with an electric element to replace the anode rod. That sounds like what you might have.
  • I found the electric element when looking under the sink inside the trailer, it has a heavy gauge wire running to the breaker box and there is an off/on switch on the heater. The model number for the heater says gas only, so it must have been added later but the breaker and everything looks stock. It just seems like the electric element didn't start working until the gas burner was turned on, or it must have some way of knowing if the tank is empty
  • I don't recall that 20-year old WHs had electric elements but I could be mistaken. On my 2014 Wildcat, there was a small switch at the front of the tank (looking from the outside panel access), that was hard to see.