Our experience with an 03 Ford F350 with the 6.0 diesel engine was Less than good. It had had everything done to it that the factory didn't except the FICA module that was working. New injectors before we bought it, new tires, alternator, turbo, everything and after 6 weeks of driving for work blew an injector just driving along. $1,000 later, the day we got it back from the shop we traded it back to the dealer we bought it from for full purchase price on a new Chevy. It's just for work and we're not doing alot but it has to haul heavy trailers, tools and supplies often and does fine. It's an HD gasser and to haul our fairly light camper it would still need upgrades to suspension and such tho that's not in the radar as the Duramax 3500 is still doing fine at 12 years old. Like many have said, get what you can afford and are comfortable with as no one else is going to be paying your bills or driving it. A good truck of any brand that is good, runs well, and does the job you bought it for is the best truck.