spoon059 wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
I don't understand the "Decide good day to pack bearings, run to store"
I have a single axle trailer. I always have at least bearings and seal for one wheel in camper. When I pack my bearings, if that is all the spares I have, I order more.
Cool. Some people aren't like you.
I have a list of things that are likely to keep me from towing my trailer home.
1)Tire. Spare wheel and tire, and on a long trip another unmounted tire. (Have used the spare twice. Once mounted the other tire so would have a spare)
2)Lights. Extra bulbs and wire/tools to repair.Have changed couple of bulbs.
3)Bearings. Carry tools, grease and parts. Have never had to work on my trailer except at home. When I put brakes on I carried the old hubs. IFAIK, they are still running on separate boat trailers, so somebody else could get their thing home.
4)Brakes. Carry a spare magnet and used springs. Never needed.
5)Wreck. All I can do there is carry insurance.
If you do your own work, and plan to keep the rig, IMHO it is better to buy maintenance parts, like filters and seals, when you can shop for discounts on good parts