Forum Discussion

campingwiththor's avatar
Jul 08, 2020

Rain water in my basement. 2003 Bigfoot 2500

For sometime now, I've had water leaking into the basement around the rear access door. Its quite troubling, as this area used to always be bone dry. I've caulked in all places I can...and still water is getting in during rain. Does anyone have this issue and/or any idea where the water is coming from? Water collects in the base of the propain compartment but its quite a distance from the basement door. Thank you for your input! CWT
  • Water can take some strange, very frustrating paths. Doesn't take much for a leak originating in the side or roof area to run down *behind* an interior wall and collect in the basement area. Might require removing a panel or two to get to the bottom of things.
  • Sounds like you need to do a positive pressure test and find all the leaks in your camper.
  • Most Bigfoots the propane storage holds water. Is there any way that area could leak down into the basement?
  • campingwiththoreau
    Just a thought on a problem I had on my 2002 BF 2500. One of the other outside storage compartments was getting rainwater in it. Problem turned out to be the storage door itself. The doors have 3 or 4 small weep holes drilled in the bottom edge, and the inside galvanized tin lining is caulked where it meets the frame. Seems factory got some of those doors upside down with weep holes in the top of the door. In my case the silicone caulk had mostly peeled off the inside of the galvanized tin and rainwater was coming in through the weep holes and then leaking out of the door into the compartment. I drilled small weep holes into the bottom edge of the door and caulked up the holes on top edge of door. Recaulked the inside rim of the galvanized tin and had no further problems.
  • Thanks for all. I’ve resealed /new gaskets on the basement access door. Locks sung. But as described- post rain there is water in the basement / puddled in the first 6-10 inches inward.
    I truly don’t see any water entry points on the sides or “ceiling” in the basement. All looks to be crack free etc... That said... the access door internal frame is compromised. Seems to be separated from the camper body (best I can describe) I’ve caulked the bee-gee-zees outta that area but still waters getting in. I surmise I’m not the only BF 2500 owner that has this issue. ??
  • It may not be the door. I had a leak and I thought it was the storage door. Turns out it was water coming down the wall from a leak up above. The door opening provided the water with a way out of the wall onto the top of the door frame.

  • Check the tang on the locks and make sure they’re tight so the inside of the door is snug to the gasket. Sometimes the screw loosens or you may have to bend the tang to adjust tightness. Water will collect in propane compartment because BF removes lower door gasket to allow propane to escape in the event of a leak. A strip of aluminum and gasket to bridge the gap will help stop water collecting.
  • I had a leak I couldn't find in my fiberglass camper. It turned out to be the hinge on the propane door not sealed properly when they riveted the hinge to the compartment door frame. I drilled the rivets out and resealed the holes and used screws to reset and fasten back on. It stopped the leak.
  • On my old Kodiak, it was a leak at the vent pipe for the black tank at the roof, water would run down the outside of the pipe into bottom of the camper.