Wasn't dissing you, but folks who reference CR as gospel and basis
for their decisions
Sister is one who always references CR as the basis for her decisions
Noticed back when still new to CR and had a subscription...that only
stuff smaller than a stove or refrigerator was worth...even then...more
and more bought against their advice.
This thread is closing soon with the trolling over personal loyality
I'm not blindly loyal...even to stuff I own. GM has screwed me as
has all the other OEMs.
Heck, some of my designs over the years were absolutely lousy...but
did fix them...
cekkk wrote:
BenK said "One of my filters...anyone recommending and/or referencing CR is not worth my time to discuss anything with them on..."
Well, my time isn't as valuable any more, but I don't think much of their opinions on many things because the staff is so biased towards more government being the solution for every problem, real or imagined. And they don't mind at all if clothes and dishes don't get clean or toilets don't do the flush job, so long as they save a cup of water.
However, if I have to buy something I know nothing about, they can prove useful as one of a number of sources.