OP ... I think your pull home will be fine. Your truck is capable!
I used the same 500 lb statement. My old TT was 4950 lbs dry...when I scaled it...moderately loaded for a weekend camping trip... With full propane but empty holding tanks...my trailer weighed 6500 lbs... That was without food or clothes. Just our normal camp stuff. When we packed for 12 days at Disney's campground I am sure we were over 7000 lbs...on a 4950 lb dry weight.
I HATE waiting for road side service to change a tire so I carried all my tools to change my tires. Ever wonder how much a 20 ton bottle jack weighs? Yeah it's a lot.
I also carry tools and make sure I have the tools to fix minor things like door hinges, etc etc etc. Never mind the spare parts like hose clamps for the sewer hose (always good to carry enough sewer and water regulator for the water hose.
Remember your tongue weight will be 10-15% of your loaded weight.... I suggest going to a cat scale and weighing your rig on the way home from the dealer and then again after you load up. Some have even went so far as to buy a Sherline (spelling?) tongue scale and measure their tongue weight before every tow to make sure they have the WD hitch adjusted properly.