BigToe wrote:
The concern should not be whether or not Centramatics work with any particular size or brand of tire. The concern should be whether or not Centramatics work with the shape/offset of your wheels.
For example, I found that Centrametics did NOT work with my 3/4 ton Suburban with stock PYO 16" wheels. So for that application, I ordered a set of Balance Masters, which are dynamic balancing discs following the same principle as Centramatics, but instead use mercury instead of shot bbs suspended in oil.
So I have Centramatics on one tow vehicle, and Balance Masters on another.
I ordered and received a set of centramatics for my truck. After speaking with Les Schwab, I found out they will not put them on when I buy my new tires, but they will leave them if already installed. So this evening I took a front tire/wheel off to try out.
Long story short; they don't fit. The instructions say the Dodge might need an included spacer to allow clearance to the caliper and sure enough it did. However, when I put the centramatic on the inside of the wheel, it was obvious that they hit the wheel on their circumference before seating on the center where the holes are. Well, it flexes I figure and continue to mount up the wheel sans tire. It flexes alright. Right into the caliper I just installed a space to clear. So these won't work with Rickson wheels on the front. There may be another centramatic that will, however, I noticed that these things show up very well in the wheel holes and it just doesn't look good or right. I didn't try the rears as I want a set of 4.
So back they go soon as I call Hitchsource tomorrow where I bought them for an RMA authorization.
I'm hoping the tires came in today at L.S. and I'll be able to get them installed and testing beginning tomorrow.
One more thing; tire diameter.
I've been figuring on 1" total larger diameter running the 265's but that was comparing them to the 245's. I didn't think to compare them to the tires I have on there now; Nitto Terra Grappler 285/70R17. The Nittos are 32.8" tall mounted and loaded on an empty truck. The 265/70R19.5's are listed at 34.4". That's a difference of 1.6". Just wanted to make sure I got that documented here.