I have been using an ADCO cover on my 25 foot TT since I bought it new. It sits in the sun and when covered you can feel the temp difference inside vs. not covered. It has a white reflective top. It does not rub the paint off the sides or cause any other damage to the TT. It does not tear to shreds if installed correctly meaning you properly secure it properly and pad the sharp edges and cover protrusions like downspouts with a tennis ball or pool noodle. And lastly, it is simple to put on and take off - I can do it in 30 minutes or less. There are videos on the ADCO site. The procedure I use is explained in the instructions. As stated, camping world sells them and you will be able to determine what size to buy by measuring your TT - again, directions online.
If you can afford covered storage great, but you still need to cover the tires.