Forum Discussion

jtlingo123's avatar
Sep 10, 2013

Sad Weekend!

Well I finally sold my TC this past weekend!:(

We are going to have to move soon and not sure where, so didn't know if I would have room for it at the new place or not. We've decided to go to the "dark side" and try to get a 5er next summer if possible. With 4 kids a TC is just too small and I'm tired of dealing with the kids fighting over who gets to sleep in the TC and who gets to sleep in the tent. I had a lot of fun fixing up the old TC and finding this great forum, I'm not leaving the forum, just won't be posting as much since I don't have a TC anymore.

  • Dang man, That's kinda of sad, Hope you get back to feeling better soon. And I hope you find a good Camper that makes you and your family happy.
  • like I was saying to you the time we met up...ill still park my camper next to you. even if you are in a 5er. when I saw how many there was in your family I was amazed you could...well...sort of, fit. ill let you know when im out and about in your area.
    oh...and keep up the geocaching. keep in contact.
  • You'll be surprised how much you learned about TC's that will apply to FW's. I bet you will ahead the FW crowd when it comes to GVWR and GAWR.

    You will have to learn about sliding saddle rails and extended pin boxes since you have a short bed...
  • Currently, the only thing standing between a highly versatile/mobile me and the comfort of a 5er is... retirement. I'm going to be right behind ya in another 10 mos. However, in light of my 10 years of TCing experience, several as a full timer, I am looking forward to the future with somewhat mixed emotions........... happiness and joy!:B Travel safe.
  • A new (to you) 5er opens up lots of new threads on this forum!! Have fun!!
  • Once your kids grow up and move away chances are you will be back!