All pages on Torklifts site related to steps have calculator for finding number of steps.
Just to clarify the Revolution is for trailers/motor homes etc. that have inset area for stored steps. There are a few T/Cs that could use but most need external surface mounting. The Revolution includes the upper adjustable box bracket, Glow Steps and Landing Gear adjustable feet. Stow N Go system includes an external or surface mount bracket that allows storing steps, Glow Steps and the Landing gear feet.

Steps can be drop or flush to bumper mounted. Glow Steps include simple bracket to attach steps to bumper/camper wall. It can be used to drop mount or flush top tread to bumper.

Note when flush mounting you lose ~4" in height, (half a tread).
Calculators on Torklifts site for the Glowsteps to find number of steps, results show mounted bracket height, tread would be lower ~4". only recommendation if going Torklift, though I've since added the StowNgo bracket and Landing Gear feet to our Glowsteps and cant say enough about the system, is getting the wider 8" treads verses the standard 6" treads. Having previously had an other brand of steps (that were only 6') the extra cost for the Glowsteps verses some scissor steps, just no comparison IMO as far as stability and use.