Forum Discussion

snowninja's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 08, 2016

Sealing aluminum roof

What's the best product to seal up around the fixtures on my 97 lance aluminum roof? Eternabond, dicor,???

Existing caulkish product is developing cracks.
  • Etarnabond will hide potential leaks till you have huge damage.
    It also discolored my fiberglass where PO applied it.
    We do have topic about marine caulks on the forum and if that is semi-permanent installation they seem to be good stuff. I started using them this year, so no long lasting experience, but like them so far.
  • Eternabond does a great job if you clean it good before applying. Dicor is cheaper, has less prep, works great, but doesn't last as long.

    The original was probably something like Dicor.

    I used Cool Seal before rubber roofing. It also claimed to give it a bit of insulation.