I skipped what everyone else wrote and will give my feedback based on my experience. I had a V10, now the thing about Ford engines are they are "cammers" or over head cams. They like RPM's, and Ford designed a SW flaw into the PCM. If you are at max throttle for too long the PCM will command the transmission to upshift, which will slow you down to about 20mph towing up hill. Very dangerous. Hence why I switched to a diesel.
The V10 gas also required Premium fuel, as you should use in any gas engine you are towing with. My mpg towing 8k lbs without premium was 7mpg, and with premium was 9mpg. Yes trailer in SIG.
Diesel, increased to 11.7mpg towing and this is in the western US with mountains.
The diesel also never slows down, if it does, put your foot in it and off it goes, you actually have to let off the throttle.
I am now on my second Ford 6.0L diesel, neither of which I have had any issues with.
But here is the truth.
The Ford 6.0L do get a bad wrap, the 03 and early 04 6.0L are the ones to stay away from.
If you are looking at fords, then also make sure it is stock or at least has an EGR cooler delete kit or upgraded EGR cooler. Don't confuse that with a full EGR delete. I just ordered my EGR cooler Delete and Oil Cooler kit for $170 from Amazon.
The EGR cooler basically will boil your coolant if your EGR valve starts sticking. You leave your EGR in place, but delete the recirc to it from the exhaust. It doesn't harm the truck nor change any puffer test at the tail pipe.
Also, the factory oil coolers were known to get sand casting material in them or get plugged. Because of the EGR cooler issue it can cause the coolant to boil and in the oil cooler this will plug up the oil/coolant passages. So generally if you go in to delete the EGR cooler, you just change the oil cooler too as it is right next to it.
Other things I avoid on F-series is I any one has ran a tuner on the diesel. Walk away, because the 6.0L was already hopped up and running near capacity for the head bolts.
Now, if some one, has modded the engines with the "improvements" that people do, head studs, egr delete and coolant filter, then a tuner is Okay.
The only people I know personally that have had head bolt issues are either the guys who didn't do coolant maintenance, which plugged up the EGR and Oil cooler causing the engine to heat up and pop a head gasket, or the guys running too high of tune on the engine.
Personally, after owning a GM truck, I won't go back, I like GM trucks, the room in the Fseries is much better.
things to also keep in mind, look for a late 04 up 6.0 or the newer trucks. most 6.0L trucks can be found for around 17K or less. A 2008 is usually around 22K.
Every MFG has had some issues here or there. If you really want to know facts, visit either the fordforums or the superduty or the powerstoke forums.
Also on a final note, the late 04 and later models had a different transmission set up. My 04 and 05 in tow mod engine brake, when going down hill if you tap the brakes the engine will automatically downshift, if you stomp on it hard it will downshift two gears, if you feel this isn't enough you can manually downshift. Even in the rockies I rarely had to use the brake pedal except on Cabbage hill above Pendleton Oregon.