Here is what I did for a short term fix until a new dome can be ordered. Did this in the camp ground this spring. I was "in the bath room" and hear drip, drip... oh no, what??? I was lucky the snow on the roof had just started to melt and I found it before any inside damage came. This dome crack can make a mess if it is leaking for 4 months with the camper in winter storage. I also carry spare Eternabond and other items to fix these mini diasters on the spot.
The offender...

Cleaned it and stop drilled

Put Eternabond on the outside

Went inside and put EB there too.

Here is an alternate place to the EZ tops. Icon Direct out of Canada. I have been pleased with the quality I have bought from them. Bought my replacement AC shroud. The shower top is still to come. luck and hope this helps
PS. I also spray the dome with 303 UV protectant and all other plastic items up there each time I wash the roof. About 4 - 5 times a year. The sun is a killer on anything plastic up there. The 303 really helps